December 30, 2007

Mylapore Festival 2008 - Curtain Raiser II

What does it take to host a cultural fest in public spaces?
Perseverance, guts, resilience and a pair of strong legs!
As we do our final acts to launch yet another edition of the Mylapore Festical supported by Sundaram Finance, we, as the owners of this event have a hundred
things to do this weekend.
Here is what I jotted down for my blog on
It was a Wednesday evening.
Lady Sivaswami Girls' School would like to rent their hall to us for some events but postponed exams cast a doubt on letting it out on weekdays.
Outside, the muck which stagnated because of blocked drains is now like layers of dirt cakes.
The contractors overseeing the project of a new R R Sabha are wonderful.
They promise to clear the blue metal and red bricks for our fest. God bless you folks.
Across the street, a civil promoter has got his men to hammer the steel in the middle and has dumped blue metal all over.
Thankfully, the promoter arrives on the scene and promises to clear the place for our Fest. God bless you sir!
Further on, we are anxious to find out if a well-meaning staff of the temple has pruned the saplings he planted along the temple tank.
Yes, he has and promises not to bother us for some time.
God bless him too.
We walk down East Mada Street. Potholes. Bitumen. Metal pieces.
And we worry how we should clean the mada veedhi to let the 200 plus women enjoy drawing kolams next weekend.
I tarry here. And see a gaping hole in the façade of the street. An old house has been demolished and the debris cleared.
Little boys play cricket.
Wow! What a place to have puppetry shows for our Fest!

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